Au Canada, l'Halloween est célébrée le ou vers le 31 octobre de chaque année. Selon les anciennes croyances celtiques, les esprits des morts peuvent traverser dans le monde des vivants. Certaines personnes font la fête et les enfants peuvent mendier des bonbons dans leur quartier pourvu qu'ils portent un déguisement.
Halloween is celebrated in Canada on or around October 31. It is a day to mark the single night in the year when, according to old Celtic beliefs, spirits and the the dead can cross over into the world of the living. Some people hold parties and children may trick-or-treat in ther neighborhood.
Halloween is celebrated in Canada on or around October 31. It is a day to mark the single night in the year when, according to old Celtic beliefs, spirits and the the dead can cross over into the world of the living. Some people hold parties and children may trick-or-treat in ther neighborhood.
A hello from Brazil, :):)
RépondreSupprimerWell, have you experienced anything unusual in this day? Can you share? Do not take it seriously. :):) Halloween´s day has a mystical significance anyway. Here in Brazil we do not have halloween because the solstice in the southern hemisphere is in April.
I like a lot from your blog. I always take a look in this. All the best, Gil.
Hello Gil! glad that you visit my blog regularly. As you can see, I've received a lot of photo since I began to collect them. For those who beleive in mystical events,I am sure they saw many that day. Personnaly, I did not see any.....;-))
RépondreSupprimerSee you friend.
Hi André, just to say I´d like a lot on the new look from the site. Looks like most beautiful and soft. Site is running fast as well. A good improvement. Congratulations also by the news chessplayers´s photos. Sometimes I wonder about how you take so beautiful photos just using a cell camera. All the best, Gil.
RépondreSupprimerTks a lot Gil ! you're very nice.
RépondreSupprimerI am looking for a way to put more photos on my blog. I had to remove all flags to make room to be able to add pictures. Yes indeed my cell is doing a great job. I am receiving more photos than I thought and I am glad of that .